Our vacation was over bright and early Monday morning. But, the kids are on vacation the entire time we are here - YEAH! How lucky is that! Thanks to Will and others for excellent planning! : )

We were rudely awaken at 5 in the morning by Priscilla's scream! The shower broke and the handle blew off from the water pressure. It flooded their room and started into Bryan and Shelley's room, too! We all were running around to fix the shower and move the luggage, etc. Some of us got to move some really interesting things, right Priscilla? ha ha. Joe climbed the very wobbly water tower to try and turn off the water. Eventually, he jammed the hole with a shampoo bottle that he got from the hotel in London (they were delayed overnight on the way here, unfortunately, but I guess God knew they needed that water bottle!) and stopped the water. AMEN! Buana Yasifiwe!

After all that excitement, a good breakfast and Bryan's devotional, we headed to the orphanage and started our projects. The guys and CJ started the playground set. Not an easy task with 12 inch rulers (thankfully, we packed some school supplies!) and a manual drill. But, they got a lot done. Every piece of wood had to be hauled back into a building at night so it would not be stolen. Not an easy task, but Sandi P. and the others were up to it mere hours after they had hauled it all out the first time. Thankfully, everyone knows the rules - be flexible, be flexible and be flexible. We have already had many opportunities to learn them here! : ) Today, they have nearly finished everything. They put the set into the ground and poured the cement before heading back to the hotel. The finishing touches of the rock climing wall and swings will be added tomorrow.

The paint didn't arrive until late on Monday, so we were only able to clean the walls of the dining hall on Monday. We primed and painted the walls - green - today. I am not the best painter. Thankfully, we will be tiling the floor so my mistakes will be hidden! The dining hall looked great when we left today, but that was some toxic paint! Robb, Marty, Sandi, Sandy, Priscilla and I all came home a little green - in more ways than one! Alois (Christine's husband) also helped. They really had fun with the rollers. That is something new for the local Kenyans. Even Anthony (the contractor) was amazed by the roller. He showed us the brush they would have used and told us it would have taken them all week to paint the building. They did a nice job with the building. We were all happy that they completed it before we arrived so we could finish it while we are here!

The girls (mainly Sandi P. and Shelley) hauled rocks to fill in the road as you enter HOREC. The ruts were so deep it was hard to get through them with the van and Land Rover. The HOREC girls helped. It was so neat to watch Beverlyne with a rock balanced on her head and another in her hands. WOW! What balance she had!

Betty and Carol kept the kids occupied most of the day. Betty was singing songs with the little kids - where is thumbkin, where is thumkin, here I am. It was so fun to watch them try to follow along! Carol was mainly with the older kids - reading and sharing pictures from home.

I started my personal mission, which is to start a sponsorship program for these kids. Once the girls found out I wanted to find out information about them, they swarmed around me. They were happy to share their favorite colors, animals, school subjects, etc. as well as birthdays and what they wanted to be when they grew up. Some want to be lawyers, doctors, police, soldiers and get this, even accountants! They were thrilled when I told them I was an accountant. I continued my interviews today. I love spending the time with the kids.

Today, we also assembled the other beds and replaced the matresses and sheets on all of the beds. We left each of them a note that the kids in the BUMC Sunday school wrote and colored for them earlier in the year on their new beds. It was fun to do this project because we noticed how they had all left their treasures under their matresses - school tests, buttons, coins, pictures, etc. Wow!

The contractor was there today to put metal doors and window coverings on the dormitory and big gates as you enter the property. Finally, these kids may now be a bit safe. They were telling us of how people would come and pilfer things from the property and also try to hurt the girls. It is just all so sad. Why? Why?
What a couple of busy days - a lot of work, a lot of laughs and a few tears!
La la salama (goodnight) for now!
Joyce - Thanks for the update. Several of us are 'serving vicariously' through this team and it's great fun to read details of your daily activities. I'm so glad to hear of the kids excitement for the sponsorship program you are undertaking. Give our regards to everyone and rest asssured that we are praying for you all!