This morning we were surprised by Marcos joining us for another day. His safari group had cancelled so we were fortunate to have him again. Today was our last day at HOREC. A lot of tears were shed by our team and the children. We had a special BBQ - the children don't get meat often so they just devoured it. Even Little Carol cleaned her plate today. Thank you to Jennifer and Johnny for bringing their BBQ!

Today Beverlyne was crying when I greeted her after we had arrived. I asked her why she was crying and she would not answer. I wrote down my question on paper and she finally responded "I cry because you are going to leave us." It reminded me of the times my sister would come home from college and break up the routine and monotony of everyday life. I was always so sad to see her go. I think in some ways we became big sisters and brothers to these children this week. We each seemed to form bonds with most of them. For Marty, it was Agnes. For Betty, Big Mary. For Sandi, Joseph. For Priscilla and Sandy, Carol. For Joe, Antony. For Bryan and Shelley, Boniface. For me, Beverlyne. It was so easy to love these children. I know they brought us all joy. I am glad that we may have accomplished the same for them. It broke our hearts to leave and to see their tears. Many of us are already talking about when we might come back.
Tonight we had dinner at The Java House in Nairobi before sending off some of our teammates. It was a great meal. I know many are excited about returning home to their own families. Sandy and Priscilla can't wait to see their grandchildren - especially Sandy's new granddaughter born only a couple days before we left. Shelley told me tonight that she thought her kids might think she is a little crazy for awhile because she plans to hug and hold them a little longer when she gets home. This trip has helped us realize how fortunate we are - not just by all of the material things we might have but also by the love of friends and family that we have. Thank you for making this possible for us.
Thank you, too, to my teammates and new friends. It has been such a neat experience to work alongside this team and to get to know them. Praise God! (For Bryan, Bwana Yasifiwe!)
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